
Our Logo is on the forefront of representing our brand. Our regular Logo comes in our primary brand gradient, usually without the Tagline. In very generous spaces or if we feel the message needs to be reinforced we use the Logo including the Tagline.

There is a maximum and a minimum possible Logo size. Every size in between those values is fine to use. Use the Icon whenever there‘s not enough space for a minimum sized full logo. Everything between minimum and maximum is good to go.


Maximum Logo Size: 150mm or 425px
Minimum Logo Size: 60mm or 170px


Maximum Icon Size: 20mm or 57px
Minimum Icon Size: 12mm or 34px


Always give the logo enough surrounding space. Ideally, you have twice the height of the logo of space around it. Keep a minimum clearance of one time the logo height aroung it. The icon requires at least half of its own height sourrounding it, but has one full height around it, in optimal conditions.


Optimal Spacing


Minimum Spacing


Optimal spacing


Minimum Spacing


We have a very bold tagline to go with our logo, perfectly fitted to our brand. The Logo with tagline is usually used in very generous spaces to reinforce the brand message. Keep in mind, the tagline does not count towards the minimum spacing, so it doesn’t influence how much space is needed around the logo.


Logo with tagline


Regular logo




Apart from the regular Logo colored in our primary brand gradient, there‘s some other proper and improper appliances of our Logo.


Don’t remove the icon from our logo

Don’t change the color of the logo. Not even your favourite one.

Never place our logo on faces or too busy backgrounds


Use the white logo for images

Never try to recreate our logo with another font

Don’t try to recreate the tagline using another font

To assure a consistent brand experience, we have developed guidelines on where our logo is placed withing a space. There are different placements for different scenarios.


The logo is usually placed in the top left corner

If on a full bleed background, the logo is center aligned. It’s vertical position is determined by the background content. Don’t go below 50% though

If text is involved on full bleed backgrounds, the logo slides back to it’s typical top left position



At least 1 time it’s height of spacing around it and don’t go smaller than 170 pixels width


Don’t alter the logo in any way


The logo is usually placed in the top left corner