
Images are an important part of our Brand Identity. We try to display the fun and pleasure of a winter sports experience. It‘s all about people here, sometimes alone, sometimes in a group. Therefore we need real people having fun while doing sports in every image. Simple, right?

Here’s what we’re looking for in images. Three important elements an image has to deliver to represent the brand the best way possible. Your photo doesn’t need to contain all 3 elements, but at least 2 of 3.

  • Fun is important. Duh. With depicting happy people having fun in the snow we want to convey the same emotion to the viewer. Everybody wants to have and spread fun.

  • Winter is a central component of our imagery, as we want to transport this feeling of natural beauty and connection to the mountains.

  • Sport means competion. But sport also means health, exitement and exercising alone or together with friends. That’s what we want to make accessible to people.

Photos with Humans

Most of our photography needs to have humans, to effectively portrait emotion or convey feelings to the viewer. Make sure your photo follows these rules:

  • At least 2/3 of the person are in frame.

  • Frame the photo so that the person has at least 50% of the photo’s height.

Download an image library →

Photos without Humans

Not all photos necessarily need to depict humans. Under certain conditions, we only want to show a beautiful landscape or panorama, to envoke different emotions in the viewer.

Download the landscape library →

Here’s what we’re looking for in images. Three important elements an image has to deliver to represent the brand the best way possible. Your photo doesn’t need to contain all 3 elements, but at least 2 of 3.